About this application

  • Version 1.9 21.12. 23 ... Updated list of queries, list of Not Covered Queries Added, Uppdated query meaning text box to accept aphostrop. Unfortunately, problems with unfinished RA remain.
  • Version 1.8 15.12. 23 ... Hotfix of database tables browser - it is disabled, thankx connections limit consuming. Unfortunately, problems with unfinished RA remain.
  • Version 1.6 7.12. 23 ... Extension of the system with the possibility of saving student queries, their validation and possible deletion. Unfortunately, problems with unfinished RA remain.
  • History 1.5 30.11. 23 ... Added Status info, increased Blazor R signal size to 1MB (to avoid repeating reload), updated connection management, now after query exception is connection closed automaticlay.We are still waiting for RA update to all functionalities.
  • History 1.4 21.11. 23 ... Added Slidding lef site menu, List of tables inn the schema (tree), Updated UserManagement (for teachers only), new Favicon -> DB schema, Connection management updated, still waiting for RA update finish.
  • History 1.3 31.10. 23 ... Added Custom database connection, New UserSection, we are waiting to finish Cross Join and Database dividion.
  • History 1.2 (Implemented Relational algebra except compleated Cross Joinn - so called cartesian and database dividion.
  • Application was developed by Ing. Josef Pavlicek Ph.D. for free PosgreSQL server connection and database subject puposes.
    I will be very glad for your suggestions.
    An error has occurred. This application may no longer respond until reloaded. Reload 🗙